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Traveling to the time of Jesus

The philosophical difficulties posed by time travel remains by far smaller than the techniques, but nevertheless still important, although in this field have created new theories. Newscientist According to recent research conducted by scientists from the U.S. and Canada suggest that time travel into the past may not lead to a paradox beyond repair, that is, we know that this is changed by our visit to the past.

Well, in this post I write about the Trojan Horse which is a series of nine books (published eight, missing the last to be written and published) written by Spanish journalist Juan José Benítez. Narrates the adventures of two American soldiers who made several trips back in time to witness and gather historical information about the life of Jesus of Nazareth. To achieve this goal browsers (only one of them first and then both) enter the nearest group of Jesus and interact with historical characters linked to his life.

Fascinating not just because of thinking that may be possible to make a trip to the past and nothing more and nothing less to the time of Jesus. This book is a fiction but a fiction well done because you until it comes to believe that these trips were made.

If you had the opportunity to travel to the past and reach the time of Jesus and talk to him what would you ask him?

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