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Deja Vu

The phrase déjà vu (in French 'already seen', also paramnesia) describes the experience of feeling that has witnessed or has previously experienced a new situation.

Déjà vu has been subjected in recent years to serious psychological and neurophysiological research. The most plausible explanation, according to scientific experts in these fields, is that déjà vu is not an act of "precognition" or "prophesied" but actually an anomaly of memory: the impression that an experience is "being remembered 'When it is not. This is somewhat corroborated by the fact that in most cases the feeling of 'recollection' at the moment is strong but the experience of any circumstances "after" (when, where and how it occurred) are quite uncertain . Also, as time passes, individuals may exhibit a strong memory of having suffered the 'disturbing' experience of déjà vu in itself, but no recollection of the events or circumstances that were "slipping" when they had such experience, particularly what we can be the result of an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory (events that are perceived as belonging to this) and those responsible for the long-term memory (events that are perceived as belonging to the past).

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